Monday, June 6, 2011

Will Sallie Mae Profit from For-Profit + Dodd-Frank

I don't have an answer.

It has Dodd-Frank working against it.
It also has the new For-Profit regulation changing the sector.
It has the accreditation sector and the whole education industry in flux.

SLM  Private Education Loan Primer
    "In 2009-10 academic year, SLM retained its market leading position with approximately 30% market share."
Now it is eliminating the Stafford Loan portion of its portfolio. It will only have Private Student Loans and Career Training Loans now. Will their market share increase, due to the government stepping out of the way?

Jeremy Keith writes
    "The French Revolution was an era of extreme political and social change. Revolutionary fervor was applied to time itself. For a brief period, the French Republic introduced a decimal time system, with each day divided into ten hours and each hour divided into one hundred minutes. It was thoroughly logical and clearly superior to the sexagesimal system. Decimal time was a failure. Nobody used it....."

What does Dodd-Frank do, anyways?
TS says it's - "To promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end "too big to fail", to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices, and for other purposes." (TS clearly reads too much wikipedia)

"The Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet, developed by the editors of Bank Systems & Technology, Wall Street & Technology, Advanced Trading and Insurance & Technology, provides financial services professionals with an easy-to-read synopsis of the new law’s rules and definitions. Coming in at just under 40 pages, the Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet provides layman’s definitions of the rules, outlines the law’s impact on technology organizations and highlights key deadlines. The Cheat Sheet isn’t a substitute for reading the entire 1,000 pages of the original legislation, but it will help financial professionals get their minds around Dodd-Frank."

"Dodd-Frank touches on virtually every part of the financial services business,” says Greg MacSweeney, Editorial Director for InformationWeek Financial Services. “The law contains new rules for derivatives clearing, mortgages, executive compensation, credit cards, proprietary trading, consumer protections and more. Technology leaders and their IT organizations will certainly be pressed to help the business comply with the law and they will be tasked with launching new technology accordingly."

The InformationWeek Financial Services Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet is available for download, free of charge, to all subscribers at"

Seven critical question to ask yourself on Dodd-Frank

The sea change is too hard for me to figure out. On top of that, it is in the financial credit service sector.

What do you guys think?

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