Thursday, June 2, 2011

Twitter Syndicated Data Streams

I have talked about algorithmic trading using twitter before but in the context of who the larger players in this field were.

What if you wanted to try it on your own?
Here is a poor man's algorithmic trading with twitter data site. Put in a keyword, and you get one page of twitter search hits. At least that will give you an idea of what people think.

Or use
[Edit:] Topsy has a great developers page that has app and its own api page

Check out the site which "show the number of times that links on a site have been twittered"

Computer API approach
But a more systematic approach would be to use an existing api. The twitter data stream does not give 100% full access. It only provides 1% of the real-time stream data, but that's probably enough for a cross-section survey.
I'm sure there are more but here are the first three I found.

Here is a twitter development page.
There is a twitter fan page which will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about twitter.

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